Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Zihuatanejo, the Fishing Paradise of the Gold Coast of Mexico

Why is Zihuatanejo one of the best places for a fishing vacation?

The people in the know will list a few hard facts to answer this question:
  • The water´s temperature year round is between 75 and 86 degrees
  • Storms are virtually non-existent because Zihua is nestled in a natural harbor, so "lost fishing time is mostly margarita-related", says (1)
  • There's always abundant sailfishing, and in certain months it´s mixed up with large yellowfin tuna, blue marlin, dorado, black, striped marlin and roosterfish.
According to this website, this is what the different seasons will bring to the fisherman in Zihuatanejo:

"Winter (November - Mid February) It's all about the sailfish. There will be dorado and in-shore species to go after, but... sailfish is the ticket

Spring (Late February- April) Add blue marlin to the sailfish and some more dorado. This is also the most important period for large yellowfin tuna. If your arms get really tired, you can always go for bonito and jacks one day

Summer (May - August) The sailfish continues to deliver. Dorado is now present in maximum numbers. Roosterfish can now be found reliably along the beaches. The yellowfin is still around sometime into June, blue marlin into July.

Fall (September - October) The most interesting proposition next to the sailfish is the roosterfish, which can be very good at this time". (1)

So grab your fishing gear and take advantage of the Fall rental rates for private villas in Zihua.